Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hello! Here is what I did today!

Hi everyone!

I decided to start a blog to tell everyone about my life. I will change names, * = name change, but the stories will be real. Possibly slightly exaggerated.

              Let's start with today.

It started out as usual with me waking up at 6:15 for school. Sometimes I turn it off and go back to sleep but with the threat of a second alarm looming over my head I decided to get up. I got dressed, ate, and walked to school with some friends.

I got to school, went to science, then to PE. We are doing our track unit so after a run we jumped hurdles. If you are like me and not athletically inclined, you probably would have done the small jumps with me. They were set up as two cones with a hockey stick on top for a bar. Then we got dressed at I went to math. We had a math quiz. I finished early, as usual, and was very bored. When my friend next to me, Jake*, was done we drew in my planner. We weren't allowed to talk all class long so this was an excellent pass time. Then on I went to LA. Then to lunch where I met up with Conner*, Lila*, and my best friend, Julie*. We ate and laughed, like normal. Then Julie* and I went to use the bathroom. On our way back a very odd boy who I don't like said "I love you" in a very joking tone. Strangely enough he has been holding the front door to the school open for me on my way into school. Then I went to SS. After that I went to leadership. It's an okay class, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re an officer. We have a speech were working on so that was fun.
              I walked home alone and walked into my house to my beautiful German Shepherd/Collie mix, Sierra. For an 8 year old she's doing very well. She is so cute, if you want to see her she is my profile picture. I'll try and post some more.

Anyway, then my mom came home. Then my brother, Sam*, got home. Almost as soon as he walked in the door Julie* called. We talked about numerical numbers. I'm a 7, and we found out she was a 2. Both rumored to be pretty. :P Now I'm just blogging.

Sky looks cloudy, like any other day here in Washington. It'll probably rain again soon.