However months before the procedure Lena has been waiting for years to get, she meets a cured named Alex. She falls for Alex, and she falls hard. They get to know each other more and more until they start to share secrets. Like how Lena's mother had been cured many times but it never worked, and how she ended up committing suicide to get away from another procedure. Alex also has a secret, one so dangerous it could get them thrown in the Crypts to rot for the rest of their days.
Definitely check this book and its two sequels out at the library. It is worth the two hours it will take you to finish it if you read slowly... It is such a fast read, I listened to it on audio and it was 11 hours, but it takes so much longer reading it aloud. Go get this book and start reading!!!
“I know that life isn't life if you just float through it. I know that the whole point- the only point- is to find the things that matter and hold onto them and fight for them and refuse to let them go.”

Two posts in one day!!!