I guess somehow I expected that when we all walked in everyone would couple off. This is not what happened at all. In my direct group of friends none of us have even started to date, let alone get the much-anticipated first kiss. This year I got my first slow-dance, but it was with a friend so I don't think it really counts. I think the point of freshman year is to learn that, first: middle school sucked; second: that high school isn't all about finding a gf/bf, but more about finding yourself. I have managed to at least partially find myself in the halls of my high school, and I have also managed to find new friends among the old.
The most interesting thing this year? Lunch. Our conversations are much different than last year, and in a weird way... I've got the best friends!
According to google, this is high school.
And this describes my life
As Ellen says, be kind to one another,