However my personal opinion, unlike most of the rest of my peers, is that driving sucks. I hate it, I really do. Not sure if my parents are happy about this or not...
Anyways, that's been the main part of my summer so far, driving and more driving. Can't get my license on my birthday as you have to have your permit for 6 months (would have been nice to know) so I can get it a few days after Christmas. Do you know how much you have to pay for a license these days?! Neither do I, but I know it's a lot. My teacher told us, but now I can't remember... I just know it was quite a bit.
Hope the rest of you are having a wonderful summer. One month left already! I don't want to go back to school, but I guess if I have to. Schedules come out the 18th so at least I know my classes ahead of time, unlike middle school.