Now as a teen myself I use slang in my everyday language. Today I want to look at some just for fun. I'm going to start out with some basic ones and then move onto ones I haven't even heard of and just looked up.
I use this one all the time. For me it's a go to when I'm trying to explain something to someone and they don't seem to be believing me. I really like this word for some reason.
Da bomb- extremely good
Another one I use often. Usually a word I use when hanging around people I've know for a while and know. Not a typical word I use with teachers, but I occasionally say it to my parents.
Yolo- you only live once
This word I actually don't mind, as long as it isn't used to justify one's stupidity. For example, not doing your homework and playing video games all night or going out drinking all night and then driving. However if it is in the context of someone doing something they love then I'm all for it. I used to say this a lot but not much anymore.
Bae- before anyone else
I can't remember first hearing this but I know it was around the end of last school year. I think it's ok but using such a default nickname for you significant other doesn't make it very special. However I think it's fine to call your friends bae or I even know a girl who calls her car bae. I've used it once or twice, but I have a feeling this word will pass just as yolo did.
I've used this a few times, but it always sounds weird to me. It doesn't bother me but I prefer not to use it, just a personal preference.
Ice- (according to diamonds or expensive jewelry, to kill someone, an illegal drug
Since when has ice had so many meanings? I guess I'm just not that hip... I don't think I'll ever use it in any of these ways, but I suppose many people do if it makes it onto a website.
That's all for now. This is actually the second time I've written this post, it didn't save last time even though I hit save almost five times! But anyways, hope you learned something or knew everything and are just cooler than me. Have a wonderful day!