Monday, September 11, 2017

Starting College

Quotes On Justice | Tags: college major clean memes funny working lol schoolFriday is the day, my move-in day that is. I know many of my peers have already started college but I start class September 20th and move in on the 15th.  It feels like I am starting high school all over again, just with the addition of not living at home. I am not going to a 'party school' but I still picture going into college and just seeing streamers and red solo cups everywhere, random person from class doing a keg stand in the corner. Just like I kind of expected someone to burst into song on my first day of high school, what can I say? High School Musical was still pretty fresh in my mind at 14. Now that I am actually a Wildcat I have a feeling students are actually more likely to burst into song just because we share the same mascot, but that's beside the point.
Story of my life. Everybody hates upper middle class white girls.
I don't really know how to feel about starting college, I am excited to be on my own and making new friends and working towards finding what I want to do with my life, but also I already miss my job and I know I am going to miss family, my bed, and my privacy. I think once I get there and get into a routine, I'll be fine, but just waiting to go is stressful. I don't feel prepared and definitely not near as rested as I wanted to be.
I already declared my major, Public Relations, and am excited to see what options that leads to. I am also in the Honors College and can't wait for the special classes they offer. This first quarter I am taking a journaling class and am curious what we are going to do with it.
If anyone has any tips for starting college or being a Communications/Public Relations major please comment!


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