Wow, I'm almost done with my first year away at school! (Context, I did Running Start in High School so my first 2 years were done when I enrolled here at 18). After lots of computer troubles (thanks windows 10), plenty of homework, some amazing new friends, and too many naps to count, I am coming up on my last few weeks here at Central for a while. Well, until the workshop I have here in July and having to sign my lease in August. It has been a year of growth and a few setbacks, but overall I came out the other side a better person and I am happy with the person I am becoming. We introduced a wonderful new family member after losing Sierra, June 24th is the first anniversary of her death. I know it will be a hard one, but AJ (and managing his Instagram, see link at end of post) has been a huge help. I get to work/intern at my high school job this summer and I can't wait to get back to my second family, both human and canine.
I have learned so many new things, and even have
my own website that I post samples of my PR work to! I learned how to use this awesome website called Canva to create posters and social media posts which has been a huge help in the mock PR firm class I am in. Basically, we are a PR firm we just don't charge. I got into a workshop this summer on learning the ins and outs of the radio industry. It's strange that I'm starting to feel like an adult now, but at halfway through 19, that's a good thing.
Yes, there are lots of things I wish could've gone differently. Though there is a lot in my past that I wish could've gone differently too, most out of my control. Everything I've gone through has made me a stronger and more compassionate person. Some of it sucked, but overall I'm grateful for them since they made me the strong woman I am today.
Being back in my hometown is going to be strange, but a good kind of strange. I'll have to get used to traffic again! Also, not using Fred Meyer as the mall will be a bit strange as well. The one around here has everything though! Perks of being in a college town I suppose. Not being just a dorm away from my friends will be strange too, but I will finally get a chance to catch up with my friends from home and not just on a weekend while trying to spend time with my family.
It's actually true though |
Overall, I wasn't sure what to expect from this year but I came out the other side more like the person I want to be, and that's what really counts. Also, no parties, drugs, or alcohol for me. Just lots of naps, like seriously this bed is so cozy I kinda don't want to go back to my one at home. Plus, why go party when you can spend time with your best friend talking about books and dogs and school until your throat hurts because you have been talking for so long. Going back to school isn't something I'm dreading, but something I'm looking forward to. I can't wait to see what my senior year has in store for me.
AJ's Instagram is his racing name:
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