Monday, May 11, 2015

Having Faith in the Dark

  Many of you know me, know I love dogs, know I love Xbox gaming, etc. But maybe something you didn't know is that I am a Christian, though I try and make it kind of hard to miss. I am a devoted follower of Christ and will be for the remainder of my life. However my struggle with God has been a long one, one that I know will continue for the rest of my life.
  It started when I was very young, first grade or so. I didn't really go to church much but friends brought me sometimes, so I at least knew a little about God and the Bible. My grandmother was suffering from terminal breast cancer, something I didn't quite fully understand at the time. I can still remember this little glass stone we had with an angel inside of it we used to rub when we prayed for her. In the end though, she lost her battle. I remember the wake, basically it's just a service with an open casket where people tell stories. I was too young to fully understand it at the time, I spent most of it playing barbies to be honest with you. If I close my eyes I'm back in that room, that room that I knew had a door leading to my grandmother's casket. I didn't understand death, I decided not to see her. The next day we went to the funeral, I remembered the smoke they used smelled bad and that I got to shake the pastor's hand. I can still remember not being able to wait to get out of the lunch afterwords because my parents were taking my brother and I to the toy store. It was only years later that her death finally registered. I can remember when I was probably 9-10 years old seeing a cancer treatment center ad on TV and crying. I remember being angry that she couldn't have gone there and been saved, couldn't have lived to see me again. That was one of my first doubts of God. 
  Fast forward a few years and the Rescission hits.  It was probably about 5th grade the first time I realized I couldn't do what the other kids could because we didn't have the money. We couldn't travel, we couldn't buy the newest gaming system or toy. I can still go right back into those moments when I was so angry that everyone else got to go away for spring break or have their mom home to greet them when they came back from school. And just when things finally started to look up we were sent right back down the same path. I was in 8th grade and went to church at least twice a month. I struggled with why God would let me suffer this way. My grades started to suffer for the first time in my life, everything seemed to be falling apart. 
  Finally by the start of my 9th grade year things started to look up. My parents both worked full-time, my brother and I were both in perfect health, everything was great. And then came one of the two periods of my life I will never forget. It was Christmas, everything was amazing. And then my mom got sick. She went into the doctor and when I came home exhausted from my first day of high school finals I got the worst news in my life. My mom had cancer. At that point I was ready to give up, give up on God, give up on myself, just give up. My mom had surgery and the results came back. She would have to go through radiation and chemo but she would live. She would live. I don't know if I've ever heard better words. My family grew closer during those months of chemo. We unified and we struggled and we fought, but in the end we emerged victorious. 
  Now for a quick recap of the post My Story I posted a few months ago. I was in math class back in November and I started to feel very strange. Little did I know this was only the beginning. After a few more weeks of on and off 'episodes' I found out I was having anxiety/panic attacks. It became hard for me to leave the house, it was even hard for me in the house. I was constantly at war with myself and the only place I found joy was in my sleep. I was, again, ready to give up. Where was God and why would he do this to me? Why would he allow me to go through this, what had I done to deserve this?
  I finally reached a conclusion that I still struggle with. If bad things didn't happen everyone would have the same story and that would be boring. If I hadn't gone through the struggles I had I wouldn't be the person I am today. If Ellen DeGeneres hadn't had the life she had and ended with her not only coming out on TV but playing a gay character, the world might not be the same as it is today. Our stories are what help us to change the world, and God knows that. It's just a matter of trusting God that what he has planned for you isn't the end, but instead just the beginning...

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