Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Weight Loss Journey with Noom

It's no secret that a lot of people have been trying to lose weight since gaining the 'covid 15,' only to give up when it's hard. I was very proud of myself because I actually lost 15 pounds on weight watchers at the start of covid. However, I didn't keep it off for long and actually gained an additional 5 pounds on top of the 15. I hated the way I looked, but with the recent addition of a pain medication to help my fibromyalgia. While the medication has been helpful and I can actually get a decent night's sleep, I feel like the weight gain has increased my pain.  

Alex texted me the other day saying that we should sign up for Noom, a weight loss program based in psychology. I had heard of it before but was still paying for weight watchers each month, thinking if I kept paying for it I would eventually go back to it. I remembered hearing all the ads for Noom on various podcasts I listen to and decided to give it a try. 

Today is day 8 I believe and I am down just about 3 pounds. So far I have learned about scale anxiety (which I definitely suffer from), caloric density and how the same amount of calories in different foods fills you up differently, how to believe in myself, and so much more. I can't believe how much of weight loss is just about believing! Not only is Noom helping me with my weight, it's actually helping me a lot with my anxiety too. So much of my weight gain is tied to how stressed I was, well, am, and learning new ways to help me destress is so helpful. 

There are days I wish I was just healthy and slimmer now, but I know it's about the journey. I know it's all about learning healthy habits. I think that's why I like Noom so much, I feel like it's okay to slip up because you're always learning new things. I think my biggest challenge is my love of carbs and sweets, but I know now that those are learned cravings and what can be learned can be unlearned. I'm starting to eat things that used to give me such pleasure and just finding them not worth the calories. I think I felt like eating was the way I could find instant joy in a sometimes stressful day. When you work with people, there can be a lot of stressful or frustrating days. 

I feel hopeful about losing weight and feeling better about myself for the first time this year. I know it's important to instill healthy habits in myself now while I'm still young, and finding new ways to relieve my stress other than eating. I've taken up reading again which has been such a huge help. Having Alex do this with me makes it easier as well.